Below you will find a list of Frequently Asked Questions and their answers. If you still have questions, you may contact us by email at support@saycor.com or by phone at 1-888-661-2323.
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Are the posted rates applicable at all times?
Yes, they apply 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Are there any additional fees or charges?
Calls made from a payphone will incur a 65¢ payphone surcharge. There are no monthly fees or any other additional charges.
What are the rates?
Please visit our rates click here.
How do I determine whether an access number from the list is actually local to my area?
Since many people have unlimited domestic long-distance on their home and mobile phones, you can use any access number. If not, local calling areas vary widely. To be sure, call your current local provider to verify it's status.
How will I know how much time is left on my account?
Once you dial the access number the prompt will announce your available balance.
How is the call billed?
The call is billed in one-minute increments. Call detail is available when you log in with your user name and password at www.saycor.com.
If I have any service problems, what can I do?
We offer a few choices:
1. Email: support@saycor.com
2. Call us at 1-888-661-2323
Can I cancel my account and get my money back?
WE GUARANTEE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. If you are not satisfied, we will credit back the unused portion of your account.
At what point in the call is my account billed?
You are billed upon connection. Once a person or answering machine picks up at the other end your call is considered connected. If there is no answer we do not bill you.
Do I have to keep repurchasing cards?
NO! because of our automated recharge process
How does the Auto-Recharge Process work?
Twice a day the system will go through and check to see if your balance dropped below your predetermined amount. If so, the system will automatically charge the amount that you selected upon sign up.
For example: You purchased $25 and, requested that when the balance drops below $5 there would be an auto-recharge of $10. If the system sees $4.99 or less as the balance, it will add the charge of your pre-selected amount of $10 to the balance.
In this example you would then begin the next day with a new balance of $14.99 or less. If you ever wish to change those parameters you may log in at www.saycor.com.
Does this account ever expire?
Will I be changing my long distance carrier if I sign up for saycor.com?
Is it safe to use my credit card online?
VERY! The server that sends your credit card information from your browser to the credit card company uses 128-bit encryption. We use the same technology as the government and banks all over the world. Millions of these types of transactions take place every day over the Internet.
I forgot my password and/or login information, how can I retrieve it?
Visit the My Account page and click on Forgot My Login or Forgot My password
Can I use my Pin Number when I am traveling or at a friends house?
Yes, your pin number can be used like a calling card from anywhere in the USA and from many international countries as well. Please visit our access number page for a list of all our access numbers.
What is the cost of using my pin number as a travel card?
The cost is the same. However, if you use our toll-free access number, the call will cost 2¢ additional per minute. Additionally, calls made from a payphone will have a 65¢ payphone surcharge.